500 miles

[wppb progress=”162/500 miles” option=”animated-candystripe green” location=inside fullwidth=true]
(updated 11/2/2015, started 11/2/2013)

I have a goal to walk 500 miles.

I will accomplish this by walking 30-60 minutes, 5 days a week. This means I don’t have a date by which I want to finish this, but rather an amount that I want to do every day. Assuming I walk 2-3 mph for 30-60 min per day or 10-15 miles/wk, I will finish the 500 miles in 8-12 months (assuming I don’t get in better shape and start doing more miles per week before I finish). Setting a goal of 500 miles helps to gamify the arduous task of getting in shape, and making it public helps to increase the pressure on myself to actually follow through and complete the goal, because if I flake, it’s not just me I’m accountable to, but everyone who’s read this post.

I really like the concept of “leveling up your life” as espoused by this article on Nerd Fitness. I am starting this personal challenge as a way to apply gamification into my life.

Oh, and of course, the inspiration for the title of this personal challenge comes from the timeless song by The Proclaimers:

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